Connecting Colindale Strategy
Client: Barnet Council
Partners: Steer
Status: Completed 2023

Colindale, in Barnet, is undergoing rapid change. Urban intensification through new development is transforming it from a local suburban centre into a bustling town centre, with a new civic hub at its heart.
The Connecting Colindale study seeks to think radically about movement and public realm, to support growth and place-making. It will set the framework for improving the quality and amenity of streets and public spaces, alongside the operation of roads, public transport, active and sustainable travel, wayfinding and connectivity.

In collaboration with Steer, AR Urbanism analysed the study area, taking account of existing conditions, planned infrastructure delivery, and future growth and development plans, to develop a comprehensive understanding of the place. This provided a clear picture of the interplay between old and new Colindale, the issues resulting, and the vital role that the public realm has to play in order to ameliorate these.
The team identified a spatial strategy, with key themes to address. A project bank was developed and tested with the client team, identifying quick wins, priority projects, and high level costs. Concept designs were prepared for key corridors, integrating elements such as new green infrastructure, pocket public spaces, artwork, cycling routes, pedestrian improvements and wayfinding. An area-wide design guide was developed to underpin further design work.
The strategy is in the process of being approved by the Council, and will be used to build momentum, pursue funding, and to guide future design work.